SDTEA:San Diego Theatre Educators Alliance
Student Fests

High School TechFest
September 21, 2019
Co-sponsored by Grossmont College Theatre Arts Department
6 Student limit per school.
COST: SDTEA Member School: $60.00 Non-member School fee: $70.00
Techfest is geared towards the new and unexperienced techician or teachnical theatre program.
It is the opportunity for high school theatre technicians to get basic training in lights and sound, costumes, set and props, publicity and stage management. Instructors include college professors and staff as well as working theatre professionals.
Planned especially for the Fall, this is a great event to bring new crew members to get some training for the Fall production.
There is nothing to prepare and no prior knowledge needed to participate!

High School DramaFest
February 8, 2020
Co-Sponsored by Grossmont College Theatre Arts Department
Cost: SDTEA Member School: $50.00. Non-Member School: $40.00
Dramafest is a scene and monologue competition that celebrates the best in high school theatre performances. Students also participate in workshops and master acting classes led by college instructors and acting professionals.
This is the most competitive event held by SDTEA, however, the emphasis and culture of the event focuses on respectful and professional behavior by both students and instructors.